Home » Better ‘Best Practice’ Reports » What else can Matts_BP_Reports Do?

What else can Matts_BP_Reports Do?

More optional steps when using Matt's BP Reporting Tool

Double click on any .html file to open the single generated report in your preferred web browser. Double Click the 'Matts_BP_Reports.exe' at any time to generate new reports with YOUR LIVE DATA.

User settings for this program are managed by editing the email.settings file. When email is enabled in this settings file, then when the ‘Matts_BP_Reports.exe' is run something similar to 'All Queries.html' is sent via email to the addresses listed in the settings file **See the Potential Security Concerns Section above prior to enabling email**

Users can change where the output files are sent at the bottom of this settings file.

Aged Debt reports are interesting, but what else can I report on?

You can report on almost anything in your database.

You can add any valid SQL query to the folder where ‘Matts_BP_Reports.exe' is installed and they will be reported when the program is next run.

Best Practice automatically installs many sample SQL queries in "C:\Program Files\Best Practice Software\BPS\SuppliedQueries\"

The queries from the Best Practice User Forum or the Supplied Queries folder will just work when saved as ‘SQL Query name.sql’.
Also, you can build and save a query in the BP Main Screen >> Utilities >> Database Search, or if you are an advanced user, you can use SQL Management Studio to build SQL queries.

Need a custom query? Then email Matt matt@it4doctors.com.au

Most queries from the forum have been tested, and all of the supplied queries have been tested. All queries tested have worked to date.

You can have multiple copies of this program, running from different folders to achieve different results. One copy for say Debt reports, another for billings / receipts reports, another for clinical audit, and a further one to help the nurses find Chronic Disease Patients. You will need to copy the 'licence.file' to each folder.

It is up to you what you report, and what you use your data for.

You can copy the 'email.settings' as well to save resetting those, and if you have a colour scheme that you have customised, copy the 'style.css' as well.

Care should also be taken to ensure that emails containing patient identifiable data are not sent via unencrypted means.

If you have your own mail server (MS Exchange or hMailserver or Postfix etc) and the data will not leave your normal network, this concern is mitigated appropriately. If however you use a hosted gMail or Office365 domain, you should discuss the security implications with your IT support before enabling email sending of the these reports.

You can remove the sample SQL files at any time; they will only be re-created if the 'email.settings’ file is removed from the folder.


You can set the ‘Matts_BP_Reports.exe' as a scheduled task to run and email reports at set times, say on the first day of each month. (Great for generating the Aged Debt reports at set intervals, or sending the receptionist a set of reports about tomorrows appointments)

Names of Reports

Reports will use the name of the SQL Query as the name of the report.
E.g. ‘Aged Debt by Provider.sql’ will generate a report called ‘Aged Debt by Provider.html’.
If you want dates added to the report name, simply add "+date" to the end of the SQL Query name.
E.g. "Aged debt by Provider+date.sql" will generate a report called ‘Aged Debt by Provider for 30-4-2016.html’

Colours and Fonts used in Reports

Don't like Matt's colours and fonts?

That's OK.

If you wish to change the colours or fonts used in the reports, just change the style.css. This is a standard HTML Style Sheet. If the style.css is missing, it will be re-created in default form.

Adding Report Totals

If all values for one column in your SQL query start with "$ " (Dollar symbol and then a space) then that column will be summed, with the total shown at the bottom.

See the "Aged Debt by Payer.sql" for an example.

About this Program

This program will generate a .html file from YOUR live Best Practice data for any .sql files found in the same directory where this is run from. Placing this program in an empty folder will generate some sample .sql files, an email settings file and this help file. Without modifying the email settings, the program will ONLY create HTML outputs of the various .sql files.

The program assumes that a valid installation of Best Practice is on this computer. The program does not need to be on the server, it should work on any workstation. If the email settings file is updated, and the apostrophe at the start of the line 'UseEmail = true is removed then the program will ADDITIONALLY try to send an email to the eTO address specified in the settings file.

Skill Level Required

Medium level computing skills will be required to modify the settings file, or to create a scheduled task.

Matt Gilchrist